Saturday, November 14, 2009


African men subject their wives to emotional, psychological and even physical torture from their desperation to have a male child. They insist they want someone who will carry on their name. Even a man who is not recognized in his community talks about having someone to carry on his name; the name that he hasn’t made. The issue is not having someone to bear your name. The issue is having your name recognized and remembered. You can desire a male child. No problem. But if you seek a means to keep your name alive, I will, here, offer you a great and more guaranteed means of going about it.
Isaac Newton was never married. So he died without a male child. Jane Austin died without a child. William Shakespeare’s only son died at age 14. This is to say that Shakespeare died without a male child. And even the great men and women that we know who had male children are remembered for their works and not their male child.
Five centuries after his death, Shakespeare’s books are still been published and still making great sales world over. Imagine if you were his grand child or great-grand child and having to benefit from the sales of the books written by your fore fathers that died long before you were born?

Imagine if you were the child of Martin Luther King? And everywhere you go, even outside America, you hear people sing praises of your father; people who never knew him in his life time. Imagine if you have to trace your linage only to discover that you are a descendant of Aristotle? Now redirect your imagination and focus it on the future. Focus it on your children and grand children. Imagine how they would feel and how grateful they will be to find that their father and grand father (you) is one of the greatest men that ever walked the face of the earth.

Remember, even the biggest fool in the world can give birth to sons and daughters. There’s no big deal in that. The big deal is in your dream, your vision, your work, your energy, your sacrifice and ultimately your contribution to the continuity and betterment of mankind. With this, you don’t have to beg anyone to carry on your name. You don’t have to subject any woman to torture because you want someone to carry on your name. The world will gladly carry on your name. The world will become your male child. Long after you’re gone, wherever your name is mentioned, men will duff their cap for you. This is pure IMMORTALITY. Imagine being IMMORTALIZED!

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